Let's talk Me Made May 2016

Are you 'going'? Have you IG sewing-related-photo-a-day fatigue yet? I have to say I haven't: I love the challenges - even if I'm not able to take part - and I particularly like Me Made May.  It has become an online sewing institution and for good reason.  

Last year was the first year I properly participated in Me Made May.  I loved it and I've been looking forward to joining in again this year. I get massive inspiration (and yes envy) from all the wonderful creations I see during Me Made May and love seeing other sewing enthusiasts' everyday wears. 

Blurry shots from MMMay 2015

I love that it forces me to look at my self-made wardrobe more creatively and thoughtfully.  And to be honest, somewhat vainly, I love that it gives me a legitimate reason to instagram pictures every day of the clothes I’m proud of making.  This is of course not a necessary part of the MMM deal, but if I have to document what I'm wearing, I'm more likely to actually follow through and wear it.

I'm also interested to see how many of my older makes are still in rotation and how many outfit repeats there are from last year.  I'm thinking LOTS.

I didn't summarise my thoughts after last year's event but basically it's the same old story; if I want to wear me-made everyday I need to make more tees and those things I"m going to call Everyday Wearables. Which I generally have little interest in doing.  That said I've identified some repeat patterns and a couple of new to me ones that I like and know will help with this goal, so I'm going to focus my sewing in May on those items, namely another Moss Skirt, some Demi Pants, an altered Mandy Boat Tee or Hemlock, try out a Lark Tee and a simple solid, navy blue shirt dress. 

[Disclaimer: I have two sets of UK visitors staying for the majority of May so this is a vastly unrealistic goal.]

So to summarise, my pledge for Me Made May 2016:

I, Charlie of Noble & Daughter, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '16. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2016 and to sew only everyday wearables during this month.

Will you join in with Me Made May this year?  And what are you planning?


See you soon x