Bolivia / Chile border January 2007. Really getting away from it all.
So. There's this thing called Wardrobe Architect. It's a process of building a wardrobe of clothes that you feel good in and suit you. It was developed by Sarai at Colette Patterns this time last year and is currently being revisited by her colleague Kristen as a year long project. You can read more about it here. I plan to take part in this so my sewing becomes a little less random and impractical and I'm going to document my wardrobely travels here.
It feels a little self-indulgent and frivolous to be writing about clothing and my woes about what does and doesn't suit me, when I should be addressing the horrors of the recent Boko Haram attacks or the hideousness that caused a nation to stand up and proclaim "Je suis Charlie". Yet I'm not nearly qualified enough to comment on those things at any length and the reason I write this blog and the reason I sew is because it makes me happy. Sewing is unlikely to elicit any political change or ease anyone's suffering, but for me and for others who like to sew, it is a little bit of happy-making and escapism from a world that is pretty dark sometimes.
So whilst I love it that you stop by and read my ramblings, I won't be offended if there are more worthwhile things for you to be reading when I'm wittering about what style lines I find the most flattering.
See you soon x